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Experienced Representation for Workplace Harassment Victims from New York Employment Lawyers


Do not let harassment derail your career or emotional well-being

Harassment in the workplace often has a deep and lasting impact on the victim, and witnesses. The harassment can lead to emotional trauma, poor work performance, physical violence or termination of employment. Taking swift action to end the harassment is vital to the well-being of any victim.

At Hepworth, Gershbaum & Roth, our New York employment law attorneys work diligently to help victims of workplace harassment hold employers accountable for their mistreatment. Whatever form of harassment you have been victim to, we fight to help you end the harassment and recover the justice you are due.

What is harassment?

Harassment is defined as any action that demeans, intimidates or creates a hostile work environment for a victim. Harassing actions can take many forms, but the most common types of harassment include:

  • Offers of advancement for sexual favors

  • Inappropriate physical contact

  • Frequent telling of crude or demeaning jokes

  • The use of slurs or racially-charged language

  • Insults or demeaning gestures and activities

  • Distribution of sexually charged material

In many cases, demeaning actions must be repeated or ongoing in order for the victim to file charges with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

No form of harassment is tolerated under state or federal law

State and federal laws prohibit harassment of all types and forms, including harassment based on:

  • Physical appearance or attraction: Sexual harassment ranks as one of the most common and talked-about forms of harassment. Victims of sexual harassment or harassment over their physical appearance have the right to pursue legal recourse against the harasser as well as the employer.

  • Gender: Harassment based on a victim’s gender is demeaning and illegal. Any actions taken that insult the victim’s gender or role with the organization are prohibited.

  • Religion: People of all religions are protected from harassment in the workplace. Victims subjected to the repeated use of religious slurs or insults may be entitled to legal recourse.

  • Race: Demeaning actions directed towards an individual because of their race or skin color are prohibited. Victims of racial harassment have the right to file charges with the EEOC.

  • Sexual orientation: All members of the LGBT community are protected from harassment in the workplace. Ridicule, insults or the use of demeaning slurs are not to be permitted in the workplace.

  • Age: Whether young or old, employees are not to be insulted or ridiculed for their age. Employers who fail to prevent age-based harassment may be liable for the victim’s damages.

What forms of justice are available for harassment victims?

Victims who seek justice for their harassment may be entitled to one or more types of compensation for their mistreatment. Depending upon the details of your unique situation, you may be entitled to:

  • Monetary compensation: Victims who successful prove harassment may be awarded a monetary sum to cover their lost wages. The sum may also include punitive damages for the employer who failed to take action or contributed directly to the harassment.

  • Reassignment: If possible, the EEOC may order your employer to reassign you or the harassing party in order to recreate your comfortable work environment.

  • Removal of the harasser: While not necessarily an ordered award, the termination of the harasser is a likely step for employers who have been subject to harassment charges.

  • Reinstatement: If you have been fired after complaining about your harassment or refusing to succumb to suggestive offers, you may be entitled to reinstatement to your role. Of course, you have the option to return or move forward with your career. 

Schedule a free consultation with our New York employment lawyers to begin your search for resolutions

As a victim of workplace harassment, it is important to take action to end your mistreatment. The New York employment law attorneys at Hepworth, Gershbaum & Roth leverage more than 70 years of combined experience to provide the information you need to understand your legal options and the process of pursuing justice for your harassment.

To begin your search for justice, schedule a free consultation with one of our New York employment lawyers. Contact us online or call 212-545-1199 today.




Contact an employment law attorney in New York today for a free initial consultation and determine whether you have a case. For a free initial consultation, you can contact us online or by phone.

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